Letter from Anthony (owner)
(English below)
Hello Japan! As I am American, please let me write this part in my native English.
I'm a disc golf enthusiast originally from Ohio, in the United States. I've been a disc golf player for many years, and have a huge love for the sport. I have been living in Yokohama for about 15 years.
In the last year I began offering coaching sessions, and also have started working on creation of new disc golf courses in Japan. In my own personal experience and also in coaching sessions where I was suggesting what discs for beginners to consider buying for themselves, I found it very difficult to find discs and equipment. Most of the discs that are most popular in the US and Europe, as well as here in Japan, do not have a reliable importer here in Japan, resulting in very high prices to Japanese customers, as well as huge waiting times for discs to be mailed from overseas.
My mission with launching this small website is to buy large numbers of discs from all major makers (eventually!) and make them available to players in Japan muxh more easily. I hope to help grow the sport of disc golf in Japan as I believe it will be a huge benefit to many people here, and I also think Japan could one day be a top leader in the global sport if it becomes more popular - but first we need some discs!
I practice and play disc golf several times a week here in Yokohama and Tokyo areas and hope to travel to every disc golf course in Japan.
About the site:
My goal is not to make a bunch of money! Unfortunately Japan's import taxes are very high, exchange rate is very high, and transportation costs are also very high, so prices are necessarily higher than they are in the US or Europe, but hopefully can be reduced once those factors come back to "normal" in the near future.
My goal is only to help the sport grow by making disc golf discs, equipment, and information more accessible to Japanese players and overseas players living in or visiting Japan.
If you have any ideas, suggestions, or would like to collaborate, please get in touch!
Have a good round!~